The Beginnings of Texas

Have you explored the Bexar Archives Online? There’s so much there. It’s hard to decide where to start.

Here is a good place to start. It’s one of the earliest translated documents in the archive. It’s amazing the details that are in the letters that were sent to the Spanish officials to begin settling the area we now know as Texas and explains their focus–to dissuade further French incursions.

We highly encourage you to read through the 36-page translation and pay particular attention to the details about who would settle where and how much it would cost to populate these areas.

We will explore many other documents in the Archives in later posts. We would like to hear your thoughts in the comments section below.

2 replies on “The Beginnings of Texas”

    1. For information about Spanish Land Grants, recommend contacting the Texas General Land Office. They published a book that describes the Spanish Land Grants. It’s available on, “New Guide to Spanish and Mexican Land Grants in Spanish Texas”.

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