Why Matters Matter

Our Hispanic history and heritage is the solid foundation that well serves our great state of Texas.

Texas Hispanic Heritage and History Matters. That’s the name of my Facebook page as well as this blog site. The last word “matters” was deliberately chosen. The double meaning was intentional. It is intended to make a statement.

Merriam-Webster defines matters (noun) as “events or circumstances of a particular situation”. It also tells us that matter is also a verb meaning “to be of importance”.

Our shared Hispanic Heritage and History is chock-full of matters that matter—things, events or circumstances that are of importance.

This new blog site, as well as the ever-growing Facebook group page, will capture, promote, highlight, celebrate and share our Hispanic history and heritage that were foundational to making our great state of Texas what it is today. I offer that if not for our Hispanic history and heritage matters, Texas would not matter.

Thank you for joining me. Together we will show others that our matters matter.